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We are available in Wolt and Bolt Food apps!

When something tasty and diet-friendly is required, we want it immediately and not the next day, otherwise it usually ends with finding an unhealthy snack in the kitchen, the guilt of which we most often regret. That's why we are also available in Wolt and Bolt Food applications (search ""), so in such cases you can crave LOHILO protein ice cream, protein bars, protein pancakes, functional drinks, healthy low-calorie food supplements and much more within an hour or even faster with home delivery (currently only in the Riga region).

Even in situations when shortly before the workout you find out that you have run out of pre-workout drinks and protein powder, we will not leave you in the lurch - while getting dressed for training and packing a sports bag, the courier will be at your door so you can go to another successful workout .

You will ask: why is LOHILO protein ice cream not available in online store?

Because we don't want them to melt in a parcel waiting for you to pick them up. Excellent ice cream should not be ruined, so we entrust its delivery in the Riga region to the fastest food couriers in the city.

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